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Let’s get your business working for you

Basic Bookkeeping

This is for you if you just need to fulfil your obligations and meet your deadlines. Services included, but not limited to:

  • Transaction coding
  • Reconciling accounts
  • Payroll
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
  • BAS preparation and lodging
  • EOY preparation


Access to your cloud accounting software required, or set up available

Financial Analysis & Projection

You want to know how you’re tracking, what growth your business has experienced and what the future looks like.

You want to look at the finer point of your financials to determine the areas of focus in the short to medium term.

You want to understand how to read the figures, and what they mean.


Access to your cloud accounting software required

Consultation Time

Not sure where to start? Maybe you would like to do your own books but need help to get going? Perhaps you need assistance with giving your books a tune up, or there is something you just can’t figure out on your own.

Consider a one-off consultation, or a series of consults to really propel you as you gather momentum.


Access to your cloud accounting software required

Block Buster

You didn’t enter the professional business world to be bogged down in bookkeeping.

Join me for three half-hour video sessions to get your bookkeeping on track and keep it that way.


3-session package